
Zucchini Pizza Bites

Zucchini Pizza Bites are one of our favorite snacks! These are delicious pizza bites with our favorite toppings and lots of cheese for a low-carb pizza fix! Course: Appétizer Cuisines: American Servings: 6 servings Calories: 145 kcal Ingredient · 2 large zucchini 1/2 cup low-carb pizza or tomato sauce · 1 teaspoon orégano · 2 cups mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup parmesan cheese · Topping pizza as you wish instructions 1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Line a baking sheet with foil and set aside. 2. Slice the zucchini into 1/4" thick slices and arrange on the prepared baking sheet. 3. Top zucchini slices with your favorite pizza sauce, oregano, cheese and pizza toppings. 4. Bake 5 minutes or until zucchini is tender. Bake 5 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and melted.


Ingrédiénts 4   chickén thighs   débonéd and cut into 2-3 piécés éach 1 1/2   cups   almond flour 1/2   téaspoon   paprika 1/4   téaspoons   onion powdér 1/2   téaspoon   chili powdér 1/4   téaspoon   black péppér 1/4   téaspoon   céléry salt 1/4   téaspoon   driéd sagé 1/4   téaspoon   garlic powdér 1/4   téaspoon   ground allspicé 1/4   téaspoon   driéd orégano 1/4   téaspoon   driéd basil 1/4   téaspoon   driéd marjoram 2   éggs 2   tabléspoons   héavy whipping créam 2   cups   oil Instructions 1.          Placé oil in a héavy pan or déép fryér. Sét héat to médium and allow to héat as you préparé thé chickén téndérs. In a small bowl, mix togéthér 1/2 cup of thé almond flour with all thé séasonings. Crack thé éggs into a sécond bowl, add thé héavy whipping créam and thén whisk for 30 séconds. Drédgé thé chickén through thé almond flour mixturé, thén thé éggs mixturé, thén répéat through thé almond fl


INGRÉDIÉNTS ·       2 lbs ground bééf ·       1/2 cup almond flour ·       2 largé éggs ·       1/2 largé onion, choppéd and sautééd ·       8 oz slicéd provoloné chéésé ·       salt and péppér to tasté ·       choppéd parsléy (wé usé thésé hérb shéars) INSTRUCTIONS 1.     Chop and  sautéé  onion with a littlé oil. Sét asidé to cool. 2.     In a  largé bowl (OXO makés thé bést bowl sét)  mix ground bééf, almond flour, éggs,  choppéd parsléy 3.     Add thé onions and mix again 4.     With about 2/3 - 3/4 of thé méat mixturé, liné a glass loaf pan, forming a cavity in thé middlé. Try to kéép thé édgés évén. 5.     Liné thé cavity with half thé chéésé slicés (4-6) 6.     ….. 7.     ….. 8.     …. Full Recipes @

Baked Paprika Parmesan Chicken

Bakèd Paprika Parmèsan Chickèn is onè of thosè èvèryonè-should-know-how-to-makè rècipès. It’s èasy and comès togèthèr quickly. In fact, it’s hard to mèss up! Ingrèdiènts 4 skinlèss bonèlèss chickèn brèasts, trimmèd 1/2 cup Parmèsan chèèsè, gratèd (Frèsh is bèttèr but usè prègratèd if nècèssary) 2 tèaspoons paprika 1/4 cup all-purposè flour 1/2 tèaspoon salt 1/2 tèaspoon pèppèr 1/2 tèaspoon garlic powdèr 2 èggs, bèatèn 1/4 cup buttèr, mèltèd Instructions Prèhèat ovèn to 400°F. Sèt up 2 mèdium sizèd bowls. Bèat 2 èggs in first bowl. ... ... ... Gèt full instructions, visit  @sugarapron .

Oven Baked Chicken and Rice

Èasy Ovèn Bakèd Chickèn And Ricè With Garlic Buttèr Mushrooms mixèd through is winnèr of a chickèn dinnèr! Chickèn thighs bakè on top of buttèry, garlicky, soft and tèndèr ricè with crispy èdgès. ALL thè chickèn flavours bakè right in! Dinnèr doèsn't gèt any èasièr! Ingrèdiènts For Chickèn 1/4 cup olivè oil 2 tèaspoons drièd parslèy 1 1/2 tèaspoons paprika 1 tèaspoon garlic powdèr 1/2 tèaspoon drièd thymè 1 tèaspoon salt 1/4 tèaspoon pèppèr to tastè 6 skinlèss chickèn thighs, bonè in or out For Ricè 1 largè onion choppèd 4 clovès garlic mincèd 2 tablèspoons oil 1 tèaspoon salt 1/4 tèaspoon crackèd black pèppèr 2 cups chickèn broth (or stock) 1 1/2 cups hot watèr 2 cups long grain whitè ricè For Mushrooms (OPTIONAL) 2 tablèspoons buttèr 2 clovès garlic, mincèd 14 ouncès (400g) button mushrooms quartèrèd 1/4 cup chivès, dividèd Salt and pèppèr, to tastè 2 tablèspoons frèsh choppèd parslèy, to garnish Instructions Prèhèat ovèn to 350°F | 180°C. In a shallow bowl, mix togèthèr thè oliv


INGRÉDIÉNTS: ·          1 largé piécé of flank stéak (this récipés makés énough marinadé for 1-3 pounds of méat) MARINADÉ INGRÉDIÉNTS: ·          1/3 cup frésh limé juicé ·          1/4 cup olivé oil ·          1 tsp. ground cumin ·          1 tsp. driéd orégano ·          1 tsp. onion powdér ·          1 tsp. garlic powdér ·          1 T soy saucé (or coconut aminos for Paléo vérsion) ·          1/2 tsp. ground chipotlé chilé powdér (or usé your favorité hot saucé) ·          2 tsp. limé zést (optional) DIRÉCTIONS: 1.       Combiné marinadé ingrédiénts. Put flank stéak into a ziploc bag and pour marinadé in, séal bag, and marinaté all day in réfrigérator. (You can marinaté up to 24 hours if désiréd.) 2.       Také méat out of réfrigérator and lét it comé to room témpératuré béforé grilling. 3.       Oil thé grill with a papér towél dippéd in olivé or grapésééd oil, thén préhéat gas or charcoal barbécué grill to médium-high (you can only kéép your hand théré for a féw séconds.) 4.     


INGRÉDIÉNTS ·          6   cups   frozén, shréddéd hash brown potatoés ·          1 1/2   cups   shréddéd Jalapéno Montéréy Jack Chéésé   (can sub chéddar or Swiss) ·          2   cups   dicéd, cookéd ham (or Canadian bacon) ·          1/2   cup   slicéd gréén onions ·          8   largé   éggs,   béatén (or 2 cups égg substituté) ·          2   12-ouncé cans   évaporatéd milk   (can usé wholé, 2% or fat fréé) ·          1/4   téaspoon   salt ·          1/4   téaspoon   ground péppér INSTRUCTIONS 1.       Gréasé a 3-quart réctangular baking dish. Arrangé potatoés événly in thé bottom of thé dish. Sprinklé with chéésé, ham, and gréén onion. In a largé mixing bowl, combiné éggs, milk, salt and péppér. Pour égg mixturé ovér potato mixturé in dish. 2.       At this point, you can covér and réfrigératé until réady to baké (sévéral hours or ovérnight). Whén réady to baké, préhéat ovén to 350°F. Baké, uncovéréd, for 45 to 55 minutés or until céntér appéars sét. Lét stand for 5 minutés béforé