Best Brownies Ever

This rich and fudgy browniè will satisfy all your chocolatè cravings.
  • 1 cup Buttèr softènèd
  • 2 cups Sugar
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 4 Èggs
  • 1 Tablèspoon Vanilla
  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1/2 cup Cakè Flour
  • 1 cup Cocoa Powdèr
  • 1/2 tèaspoon Salt
  • 1 1/2 cups Sèmi-Swèèt Chocolatè Chunks or Chips
  • *Optional: add 8-ouncè jar Dulcè dè Lèchè. Carèfully hèat in thè microwavè. Swirl in 4 ouncès into thè battèr. Bakè. Top browniès with rèmaining Dulcè dè Lèchè.
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès.
  2. In a largè mixing bowl, crèam togèthèr buttèr, sugar, and brown sugar for 3-4 minutès or until light and fluffy. Add èggs onè at a timè, mixing wèll aftèr èach addition. Add vanilla.
  3. Stir in flour, cakè flour, cocoa, and salt until mixèd togèthèr.
  4. Fold in chocolatè chips.
  5. Pour into 9 x 13 pan and sprèad èvènly.
  6. Bakè for 28-36 minutès.
  7. *Adaptèd from I am Bakèr's dècadènt browniès
Gèt full instructions from ORIGINAL RÈCIPÈ, visit@modernhoney.


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